About the Blog Posts


Just a quick post on how the blog portion of the site will be organized.


My goal is to educate typically functioning people by giving them a peek inside our brain and also support and help those of us on the spectrum by giving guidance and tips. With both of these goals in mind, there will be two different posting styles:

(1) Monkey Bars posts- These posts will be directed more towards those of us on the spectrum and how to build self confidence and achieve major life transitions. We all go through challenges at every stage of life, however this will be from the unique perspective of the autistic mind. I will focus on strategies and tools that worked for me and ideas on how you can find success. The name monkey bars came from my personal story of conquering my fear of the monkey bars on the playground. You can read that story here. With the help of my mom I finally achieved climbing the monkey bars, something I never thought I would do. It was my first time leaving the edge of the playground. Since then, I have encountered many different forms of “monkey bars” and challenges throughout my life. I will share the strategies of how I overcame each monkey bar while also being realistic in times I fell. We are all bound to fall off the monkey bars occasionally, the important thing is we try again but with another strategy!

(2) Take a Peek Inside posts- These posts will be short excerpts of my personal experiences about topics typically functioning often have questions about. My goal with these posts is to give someone who is not on the spectrum a peek inside the mind of someone who is so they can better understand how we feel in different situations, why we feel the things we do, and how to best help.


Both posting styles are for all readers! There will certainly be information in each type that will help both spectrum and non-spectrum people. However, I believe this division will help create an organized flow for an easy to follow reading experience. If any reader ever has a topic request leave it in the comments or send me an email!


To follow the blog and receive an email anytime a new post goes up, simply click the  “follow” button on the bottom of any page and enter your email.


For my parent readers, please consider using Ask The Meehee a tool designed to get direct questions from parents answered by my mom, an autism parent herself.


See you on the playground.

2 thoughts on “About the Blog Posts

  1. Thank you for your posts on twitter. I am not. Member of Twitter so i don’t tweet, or blog, or have Facebook. But, your posts gave me such practical advice, such as arriving early to a restaurant ( because I cant recognize faces either!) or setting boundaries. Thank you. I am not diagnosed, but may be Aspie, as autism runs in my family. I have been called “weird”, “different”, “special”, etc. etc. all my life. When I stumbled onto an Aspie test 6 months ago I felt such RELIEF – No more shame because I can’t change. Thank you, Edge of the Playground.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! I am so happy this has helped you. I will also be posting these tips in YouTube videos which will appear on the “YouTube” tab on the menu here! The latest one is tips for making friends as an autistic adult you can find here

      I am also in the process of collaborating with another platform other than twitter to build an online forum where people can discuss these tips that is a lot less intimidating than other social media so look out for that update as well. Thank you for sharing your story with me. You are never alone in this! Let me know other ways I can get my content to you.


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